Receiving the hand of Saint Nektarios in Thessaloniki

The people of Thessaloniki welcomed with honour and the proper respect the miraculous right hand of Saint Nektarios, Bishop of Pentapolis, the Wonderworker, on Thursday afternoon, May 2, 2019.

Protopresbyter father Emmanuel Poulakis of the Holy Metropolis of Hydra, Spetses and Aegina brought the hand of Saint Nektarios of the Holy Trinity – Saint Nektarios Monastery of Aegina, which was received by Bishop Nikiforos of Amorion, head of the Holy Clergy and the faithful people that flooded the streets around the Church of Zoodochos Pigi (Panagia Laodigitria), in Ano Poli, Thessaloniki.

Bishop Nikiforos officiated at a feast Vesper, with the participation of the Head of the church, Archim. Barnabas Yagos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Aghia Theodora of Thessaloniki.