Patriarchate of Jerusalem celebrated the memory of Saint Isaac the Syriac in Doha

© Patriarchate of Jerusalem

For the holy feast of Saint Isaac the Syriac at the Holy Archdiocese of Qatar in Doha, Archbishop Makarios informs us:

“With special ecclesiastical brilliance, we celebrated for the first time the feast of Saint Isaac the Syriac at the Cathedral in Doha, after the consecration by Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, in February this year, with the participation of clergy of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, who came to honour the feast.

On Thursday, October 10, 2019, Great Vespers with the Blessing of Bread was held with the participation in prayer of Archbishop Nectarios of Athedona. The chanting was delivered by the Church choir in Greek and Arabic.

Vespers was followed by a festal reception at the reception hall of the Holy Church, in the presence of the clergy, the Consul of Greece in Doha, Ioannis Zelomosidis, and members of the flock.

Dressed in Greek traditional costumes, the members of the Dance Club of the Greeks in Qatar danced traditional dances and members of the Arab-speaking flock presented a program of traditional Arabic music.

On Friday, October 11, 2019, Matins and the Episcopal Divine Liturgy were celebrated, led by Archbishop Nectarios of Anthedona, with the co-celebration of Archbishop Makarios of Qatar, Archimandrite Ieronymos and the Priests Demetrios and Stylianos. The services were attended by many faithful Christians, the Ambassador of Greece in Doha, Constantine Orphanides, and the Defense Attache, Colonel Panayiotis Krikis.

The Divine Liturgy was followed by a procession of the Holy Icon of Saint Isaac the Syriac and a reception at the reception hall of the Holy Cathedral”.

SOURCE: Patriarchate of Jerusalem