Metropolitan of Corfu: The latest developments in our country are not accidental


Yesterday Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu, Paxoi and Diapontian Islands celebrated the Stasis of the Salutations for Virgin Mary.

As Metropolitan Nektarios mentioned in his speech, when  man distances himself from God, because he succumbs to his Ego with the sole aim to satisfy his needs, then Christ, respecting man’s freedom, walks out of his life.

Furthermore, Metropolitan of Corfu, commenting on the current situation, stressed that our own Nation is at stake unless we return to God”.

“The latest developments in our country, namely that atheist and irreligious laws pass so as to render Orthodox Greece a state of religious neutrality, are not accidental”, he characteristically stated.

Additionally, he said that “whether some people inside and outside Greece like it or not, Jesus is the leader of Greece. He led our Nation in the past, and He shall lead it till the end”.

At the end of his speech, Metropolitan of Corfu urged for the return to Jesus: “There could be no better time than now, the Holy and Great Lent, for man to examine his heart and conscience, and reconsider his relation to God”.