Memory of Great Martyr Procopius

The Orthodox Church celebrates today the memory of the Great Martyr Procopius and his pious mother, Theodosia.

The Holy Great Martyr Procopius lived during the reign of the emperor Diocletian. His father, Christopher, was a Christian, but his mother, Theodosia, remained a pagan.

After his father’s death, his mother, Theodosia, presented him to the emperor, who made Saint Procopius Duke of Alexandria, and sent him there to persecute and punish the Christians.

On the way to Alexandria, there were thunders and lightning while he heard a voice calling him by his name. Saint Procopius then pleaded with the one who spoke to him to reveal himself. At that moment a radiant Cross appeared in the air and a voice exclaimed, “I am the crucified Jesus, the Son of God.” This divine sign turned this new persecutor to faith in Him and be baptised.

Later, returning from a victorious expedition against the Saracens, his mother tried to persuade him to sacrifice to the gods invented by humans. He was taken to worship the idols, because he refused to do so, but at his prayer, the idols fell. This miracle made many then believe in Christ, among them the Saint’s own mother, Theodosia. It was immediately commanded that all those who had believed in Jesus should be beheaded.

Let the prayers of the brave martyr Procopius strengthen the young people who live the suffering of the daily martyrdom of conscience through dilemmas of all kinds and the temptations of the modern era.

Source: Church of Cyprus