Greek govt: International community must react against Turkey’s hubris and provocation

Government Spokesman, Stelios Petsas

“Since last Friday, the entire civilized world, Europe, in particular, and the West, in general, Christians all over the world and, of course, Greece are facing the challenge and affront of Turkey and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque. This is a historic mistake. And the international community has to react to that. The issue is not an affair between Greece and Turkey but a global one. “We are constantly highlighting this dimension, both before and after Erdogan’s decision,” said the Government Spokesman, Stelios Petsas.

“The Greek prime minister strongly condemned the decision of Turkey, contacted Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to whom he expressed the full support of Greece, discussed the issue with Archbishop Ieronymos, and took the initiative to communicate with his counterparts. Greece considers it necessary to send a strong message to the neighboring country that no one can go unpunished when violating international law. Actions that are manifestly against the international obligations and international law will have specific consequences. Greece is urging the European Union to have a list of very strong measures in case Turkey violates our sovereign rights. And Europe must understand that it has an obligation to make decisions to hinder the Turkish provocation,” he said, adding that the issue would be raised today by Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias at a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

At the same time, the Greek prime minister is expected to hold a telephone conversation with top European officials, with the government spokesman stressing that the international community must react against “the provocation and hubris of Turkey and President Erdogan.”