Egypt’s Ambassador to Athens visits Archbishop Ieronymos

Photo credit: Christos Bonis

A courtesy visit to Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece was paid this morning by the Ambassador of Egypt, Mohamed Farid Monib.

The Egyptian Ambassador thanked the Archbishop for the reception and they discussed various issues of common interest.

Immediately afterwards, Mohamed Farid Monib, accompanied by the Protosyncellus of the Archdiocese, Varnavas Theocharis, visited the Chapel of Saint Andreas of the Archbishopric.

Photo credit: Christos Bonis

He then toured the house of Agia Filothei in Plaka and the relics collection of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens.

Photo credit: Christos Bonis
Photo credit: Christos Bonis
Photo credit: Christos Bonis
Photo credit: Christos Bonis
Photo credit: Christos Bonis