Church of Greece donates medical goods and supplies worth € 300,000

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The Church of Greece carried out the decision made by Archbishop Ieroynmos of Athens and the Standing Holy Synod on the 1st of April 2020 and donated to the Ministry of Health 60,000 medical masks, 38,750 KN95 masks, 16,500 fast coronavirus tests, and 30 respirators worth € 300,000.

The medical goods and supplies were delivered on the 8th of April, in the presence of a representative of the Ministry of Health, who was appointed by the Minister of Health, Vassilios Kikilias, Archimandrite Fr Nikodimos Farmakis, Director General of the Central Financial Services of the Church of Greece, and the representative of the sponsor company “Milaya Capital LTD”, Yasam Ayavefe.

Moreover, Yasam Ayavefe stated that he made this donation in response to a request made by the Church of Greece: “I have been living in Greece with my family for the last few years. My family and I are feeling safe here. I have found my true home in Greece. This is the place, where I want to raise my children. I can proudly call Greece ‘my homeland’ because it is the place I belong to. It is the homeland that helped me and, therefore, it is now my duty to help in this great ordeal. I respect the Church of Greece for what it has been offering to the Greek people and that is why I responded immediately to its call.”

Fr. Nikodimos Farmakis stated that it was very encouraging that they reached an agreement from the very first day, that is the day the Standing Holy Synod and the Administrative Committee of the Central Financial Services of the Church of Greece decided to seek resources in order to support the Greek people during the coronavirus pandemic.