Bust of the blessed Metropolitan Irineos of Kissamos in Chania

“The example of the blessed late Metropolitan Irineos is so vibrant and timely in our age”, Crete regional Governor Stavros Arnaoutakis said in his speech at the unveiling of the monument of the blessed Hierarch in Kissamos by the President of Hellenic Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos.

Previously there was held a ceremony for the proclamation of the President Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos to Honorary Citizen of Kissamos.

Apart from Mr. Pavlopoulos, there also attended Archbishop Irineos of Crete, Metropolitan Amphilohios of Kissamos and Selinos, Metropolitan Damaskinos of Kydonia and Apokoron, Members of the Parliament of  New Democracy in Chania Dora Bakogiannis and Manousos Voloudakis, and the Regional Governor Mr. Stavros Arnaoutakis.

In his welcoming address before the revelations, Mr. Arnaoutakis noted that the honored Hierarch was a multifaceted personality, rich in the gifts of the pastor, the educator, theologian, the benevolent  nobleman who cared for his country and pioneered as to the establishment of a great, for the Greek standards, shipping company.

“He always cared for fellow-citizens, practiced the word of God, solidarity, while he supported the clergy and the people sharing their problems, their anxieties and needs”, concluded in an emotional atmosphere Mr. Arnaoutakis.