Blessing of the fruits of the earth in Rotunda, Kissamos

The Holy Paraklissis (prayer) officiated by Metropolitan Amphilochios of Kissamos and Selinos was celebrated in one of the oldest temples of Crete, the Rotunda of Michael Archangelos, bishopric church of Kissamos, (6th century), seat of the bishopric of Holy Ethnomartyr Melchizedek Bishop of Kissamos. Later the blessing of the fruits of the earth followed.

Parishes of Eastern Kissamos, Associations and people of the region offered large quantities of grapes, fruits, vegetables, the fruits of their labour, to be granted a blessing.

In his speech, Metropolitan Amfilochios of Kissamos and Selinos asked “Have we forgotten a great truth? That the boundaries of freedom are limited by love and truth and that love, if there is no freedom, can become tyranny?”

Referring to the sacredness of the Rotunda, he added that “this place not only bears witness to our history, culture, roots and orientation, but also reminds us of our duty and responsibility to guard “a Thermopylae”, the most sacrosanct of the Greek race, as if it is our most precious treasure and heritage.”